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Melukat Ritual at Griya Beji Waterfall

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)


Melukat is a sacred purification ritual in Bali, performed to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit from negative energies. Rooted in Balinese Hinduism, it involves bathing in holy water from sacred springs, temples, or the sea. The ritual is led by a priest who offers prayers and blessings. Melukat is believed to remove bad karma, bring spiritual renewal, and restore harmony. Many Balinese undergo this ritual during significant life events or times of distress.

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Dur: 60 minutes


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stefangolubovic_11Stefan Golubovic
Visiting Griya Beji Waterfall was nothing short of life-changing. My wife @jgolubovic and I found an oasis of peace here, surrounded by cascading waters and sacred energy that reached our souls. It’s more than a destination – it’s a journey inward, a place that everyone should experience at least once in their life. Though it’s far away, it’s worth every mile to stand here, feel the purifying water, and take in the beauty. Forever grateful for this hidden paradise.”
ruveydasezginRüveyda Sezgin
Balinese believe that everything that happens to them is the result of their past or present actions, so they try to plant good deeds.
iiioana.11ioana prodan
Astazi am fost într-un loc absolut minunat, și mai exact @griya_bejiwaterfall din Ubud, un mic oraș situat în inima insulei Bali, Indonezia, este cunoscut pentru atmosfera sa liniștită și spirituală, fiind un loc de refugiu pentru cei care caută să se reconecteze cu sinele lor și să încerce diferite forme de purificare și vindecare. Procesul de purificare și vindecare din Ubud se bazează pe tradiții spirituale și metode de terapie holistică care combină elemente din cultura balineză, hinduism, șamanism și practici de wellness din întreaga lume. Unul dintre cele mai populare aspecte ale acestui proces este “purificarea spirituală”, care se realizează adesea prin participarea la ceremonii de curățare ritualică, cum ar fi “melukat”, un ritual balinez dedicat eliberării de energiile negative și curățării corpului și sufletului. Aceste ceremonii se desfășoară de obicei în templele locale sau în locații naturale, cum ar fi râurile sacre din jurul Ubudului, iar apa este considerată un mijloc de purificare divină.
Experiencing powerful yet beautiful Balinese purification & healing ceremony 🌿🫶🏼 Known as Melukat, this traditional healing ceremony is designed to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit from negative energies 🙏 Once you come here, you can choose between spiritual healing, healing of the body, palm reading, or the whole package. The nature and the surroundings of lush forests and the sound of cascading water enhance a deeply spiritual experience of purification and blessing 🌴 every waterfall and stage you go through has its purpose - in one your healer will tell you to laugh, and other to scream under a waterfall and release all the bad energy🙏 It takes place at the beautiful & powerful Taman Beji Griya Waterfall 🌺 and Id recommend it to everyone who visits Bali 🌿🫶🏼 Have you done healing ceremony in Bali? What was your experience?
itskarentorresKaren Torres
Celebrated my 34th year around the sun completing a Melukat Ceremony (water purification) in the beautiful island of Bali. ☀️ • Clearing my mind, body, and soul to begin my new year Complete gratitude to have had this experience on my special day and to also remember the passing of my amazing Mimi and celebrate her as well. It’s been 10 years and I miss you everyday. 🙏🏽
chyntya_gotami𝗖𝗵𝘆𝗻𝘁𝘆𝗮 𝗧𝗮𝗻, 𝗦.𝗧𝗿.𝗠🇮🇩
A deeply gratitude bisa melukat pas lagi rahina purnama🌕✨ Melukat memiliki makna pembersihan secara sekala dan niskala (jasmani dan rohani) baik jiwa dan pikiran manusia sebagai alam terkecil (bhuwana alit) dan alam semesta (bhuwana agung) menggunakan sarana air✨ The Universe supports and always surrounded by True Abundances❤️
farahdina.almasDINA / TRAVEL TIPS UPDATE
dari artis, sampe anak presiden udah ke sini juga gais😇 Melukat memiliki makna pembersihan secara sekala dan niskala (jasmani dan rohani) baik jiwa dan pikiran manusia sebagai alam terkecil (bhuwana alit) dan alam semesta (bhuwana agung) menggunakan sarana air. Air yang digunakan bukan sembarangan air melainkan berasal dari air alami atau mata air. Anyway disuruh teriak itu biar kita melepaskan energi negatif di tubuh teriak sekenceng kencengnyaaaaaaaaaaa bener bener berasa lega banget setelah teriak 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 Gimana ? kalian tertarik coba ga? coba tag bestie yang mau kalian ajak ke sini..
drnicholashowlandDr. Nicholas Howland
One of the most unique and spiritual experiences of my life! Today, @haleigh.danielle24 and I had the opportunity to participate in a purification ceremony in Bali. A guide took us through the entire process which led us into a cave, through a waterfall, and back to the jungle. Along the way were several carvings of different Hindu deities and spirits. At each one we made an offering and said a prayer. Bagus, our Balinese friend, said at the end, “all of these gods are part of the same God. Religion is made my human. Spirituality is everywhere. It is nature.” This is why I travel. The chance to experience another culture and better understand the humans with whom we share this planet. I’m still in awe. My heart is full of gratitude to have witnessed this and even more so to have Haleigh right there with me. 🖤🖤🖤


Involve yourself in a simple procession of Balinese Hindu purification ritual and cleansing of the body and soul by nature with holly-water blessing.

Balinese believe that the body, mind, the soul can be also “dirty” and polluted.

Every thought, word, and deed that we do directly affects the state of the soul, its purity and cleanliness. Likewise, when there are influences from outside, it can also affect the state of the soul.

The analogy is like the body, even if we are not doing activities, the body still gets dirt, dust, and germs, as well as the soul. So it’s obligatory to cleanse the body and soul with natural energy regularly.

One way that is believed by Balinese people is Melukat (purification ritual and ceremony).

Melukat comes from the word “su” which means “good” and “lukat” which means “purification”.

So literally Melukat means self-purification to be good, in case body and soul purification.

Hindus in Bali perform the melukat ceremony with holy water to obtain wellness, and goodness and cleanse the soul from negative things such as nightmares, illness, anxiety, burdens on the mind, and so on.

At Taman Beji Waterfall, the purification ceremony includes 5 stages:

1. Purification in the shower which is in a hidden canyon in the cave.
2. Purification in the springs.
3. Release emotions in the waterfall.
4. Purification in the shower in the pool.
5. Purification with young coconut water by the priest.

Benefits of the Holy Purification ceremony at Taman Beji Griya Waterfall for the cleansing of mind, soul, and body from dirty mind, heart as well as saturation from daily routine and also to clean or release the influence of black magic or negative energy.  

People who have performed a Purification ceremony will feel convenient, peaceful, happy, generous, and smooth in all things. So for the people of Bali, Taman Beji Griya Waterfall is a place for self-cleaning, calming down, healing place, and relaxation in one place.

Taman Beji Waterfall is one of the sacred places used by Balinese to perform the purification ceremony which is believed by the community also be able to cure illnesses and beg for offspring.

Besides, Taman Beji Griya Waterfall is also a Beji which is a holy place by the community around the place intended to ask for the holy water as part of Balinese traditional ceremonial.

Therefore the atmosphere of the Taman Beji Griya Waterfall is still very natural and maintains its authenticity.

The purification ceremony at Taman Beji Griya Waterfall is the only place where the waterfall is a part of the purification process.

Many people also meditate and contemplate in the cave.

May goodness, wellness, health, and peace come from all directions.

Included & Excluded

Trip Info


Melukat Only, Melukat + Return Transfers, Melukat + Tour to Sangeh Monkey Forest

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